Disc golf disc i hånden på en spiller


Here you will find all the latest products that have landed at Disc Tree together with products that have not yet been released. Follow the countdown to releases so you're ready on the day. On this page, you can continuously keep up to date with what is on the way and whether there has been anything new since you last stopped by.

New discs, bags and equipment for disc golf

At Disc Tree, we continuously expand our range so that you can always find the latest and best equipment from all the biggest international manufacturers. We import our products directly from the manufacturers so you avoid costly middlemen, and we can offer the best equipment at the best price.

Release on new disc golf discs

There are new discs on the market all the time, and it's always a very special day when your favorite producer comes out with new equipment. Releases are therefore also of the highest priority and we therefore go to extra lengths to ensure you the best experience in the shop and fast delivery.

First on the market with the new products

Whether it's brand new prototypes, this year's tour series discs from the various brands or other new ones, we always try to be on the day when they come out. You can find the products here and often also on the front of the shop, where we count down until they are released.

Disc golf equipment from around the world

Regardless of whether you are looking for a new golf disc or other disc golf equipment for both training and tournaments, we have something that suits you. In the shop you will always find a large selection of products from the leading brands Discmania , Discraft , Innova , Latitude 64 and Prodigy . You can also explore the selection from new manufacturers such as Danish Løft and Norwegian Alfa Discs .