About us
At Disc Tree, we work for the spread of disc sport in Denmark through events, information and sales of discs. We are very passionate about disc sports and have great coaching experience at all levels from beginner to elite. With disc sport events, we want to share the joy and experiences we have had with you and your friends, colleagues or students through a flexible structure. Disc sport can be something very special, and we look forward to giving you a good experience with one or more of the disc sport disciplines.
In the store, we carry the largest international brands in disc golf discs, bags and equipment so that our customers have access to the best equipment on the market. We also offer specially designed discs and would love to hear from you if you have a great idea!
Our promises
Disc sport in Denmark is growing, and we would like to contribute to the continuation of this. When you shop with us, you need to know what you are getting and we promise therefore
- Honesty: We take pride in making accurate product descriptions and fair pricing. Quality and price are related, and whether you buy expensive or cheap discs from us, you know what you are getting.
- Transparency: We work to always have transparency in our work. That is why we are i.a. registered as a private limited company and publishes our accounts every year.
- To give back: We work continuously to contribute to the organized disc sport in Denmark by supporting players, clubs and tournaments.
- Presence: We are present and participate in tournaments and events. It's fun to play disc sport and we want to have fun with you.
Environmental measures
At Disc Tree we are a lot about making the right choices. This also applies when it comes to the environment. We are constantly working to improve our business with a focus on moving in a greener direction. Below you can read about the initiatives we have already implemented.
- Plant one tree for each order in 2022
We support Ecology, which works to globally reduce CO2 by investing in planting trees and other projects. In 2022 we are committed to planting a tree for every order we receive in the store. In practice this is done by donating to Ecology's projects. You can read more about Ecology, their mission and see their open accounts as well as certificates on their website. You can also follow Disc Tree's profile on Ecology. - Better packaging materials
A big part of our business is packing and shipping discs to our customers. We therefore support the project Environmentally Friendly Packaging by including environmental considerations when we choose the packaging materials we use. We therefore use PP tape on our packages which can degrade in nature - if it unexpectedly and unfortunately should end up there. The work of finding packaging materials that are more appropriate from an environmental perspective is a continuous part of running Disc Tree.
Who is behind Disc Tree?
Behind Disc Tree are three friends who for many years have played ultimate frisbee together and who now play disc golf to a greater extent. Both sports both have and have had great influence on our lives, not only on the fields but also socially. We present ourselves below and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events, in the webshop or on a disc golf course or ultimate field somewhere!

Philip has always been active in volunteer work in disc sports and likes to work with the organizational and business side of things. He has founded an ultimate club and served as the president of the National Disc Sport Union in Denmark. At Disc Tree he monitors the finances and spends his time on the ongoing development of the business. Philip is often seen in Valby Parken or on the courses around Copenhagen.

An online company requires digital skills and in Disc Tree it is Emil who does his magic with the code. Emil is an active ultimate player, hobby disc golfer and a software engineer. Without Emil we would still have used both phone books and fax but fortunately this is not the case. When ultimate training allows it Emil can be found on the disc golf courses around Copenhagen.
Find Disc Tree Abroad
At Disc Tree we are happy to serve our customers across Europe and we have set up a number of pages to help you find everything you need for disc sports. Check out our pages at:
- Sweden - disctree.se
- Finland - disctree.fi
- Germany - disctree.de
- Global - disctree.com